Analyze Your Online Footprint And Own The Digital Landscape

A vibrant digital presence isn’t extra credit; it’s pivotal to running a successful business in today’s marketplace. Your clients, customers, investors (and the rest of the sentient universe) expect you to show up online. Ten years ago, a presence alone might have been enough. Today…no way.

If you don’t direct your company’s narrative, someone else will. Your content must connect with your audience through clear messaging and robust design. In other words, own your authority.

What is your brand saying?

Our Digital Landscape Discovery & Strategy process (D&S) will analyze your presence and provide tangible steps to improve audience engagement. Let us show you how to optimize your footprint to reach those goals and stand out among your competitors.

You can’t plan where you’re going until you know where you are. We provide a comprehensive breakdown of your digital assets by exploring your brand’s digital landscape through the complex lens of audience, search results, peers/competitors, channels, and content. Think of it as a performance map; we identify your target audiences, vulnerabilities, and opportunities to optimize your efforts online.

D&S: Your Digital Landscape GPS

We give you tools to strengthen your brand’s presence and authority. Our D&S analysis provides a quantifiable understanding of what’s out there and how well it’s working. We survey the landscape and strategize a path for progress and growth.

How does D&S work?

It starts with a multifaceted assessment across your website, search, and social channels, triangulated against your peer set. Our strategists outline the challenges and opportunities within each medium, delivering data-backed insights, recommendations you can run with, and options for continued engagement.

Audience first. 100% of your brand’s content must be targeted to the right eyes, ears, hearts, and minds. Muddy messaging delivered with outdated design is a waste of everyone’s time. Our D&S analysis is built on a solid understanding of your target audiences and how they absorb information.

All the Juicy Deets: D&S Edition

Our D&S strategists analyze your online landscape to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT). We recommend how to optimize your existing assets, where to publish content for the best user engagement, and how to better align search results with brand messaging.

Each D&S is broken into two phases over two to twelve weeks, depending on the amount of reviewable content. Phase 1 includes an assessment of the following:

  • Website — Beginning with research, we learn what your target audiences care about and how they engage. We also review your peers and competitors to understand their respective websites' performance. With this level of data and detail, we can recommend content, information architecture, site design, and user experience upgrades. As a bonus, we tech-check site performance, search engine optimization (SEO), and adherence to ADA compliance guidelines.

  • Search — We complete a quantitative assessment of your digital landscape by outlining search results, solving curiosities, and creating a clear plan. We provide an understanding of what is out there, whether or not it resonates, and why. Our findings form the basis for strategy recommendations, including several tactics to combat any challenges or vulnerabilities detected in the landscape. Our team can also analyze competitors' use of search engine marketing (SEM) and recommend authentic options for your brand.

  • Social Media — Paying close attention to how users mention your brand name and $Cashtag (if applicable) across social platforms, we develop a strategy for growth and engagement. Our analysis highlights which channels to focus on, how often to post, and what topics to consider alongside paid media options.

Phase II focuses on executing the agreed-upon strategies from Phase I. We’ll set you up for success by teaching you how to manage the ongoing process. If you prefer, you can also hire us to handle it for you. Either way, your brand and business will thank you.

One Service, Endless Applications

Our Discovery & Strategy assessments are built to benefit any business in any sector. That said, this offering is particularly helpful to our friends in private equity. Our deep understanding of finance and fintech enables us to handle the unique challenges investment firms face online. Of course, they’re not the only ones.

You’re an ideal candidate for our D&S if:

  • You’re a new (or new-to-digital marketing) company — By looking at your peer set, we can help create a strategy to surpass the competition. Let us show you where you fit within the marketplace.

  • You’re a company with an existing online presence — By taking a deep dive into what you’re already doing, we can show you how to level up. Let us help you improve social channels, website SEO and UX, and search results.

  • You’re running a marketing campaign — Our assessments offer invaluable insights when you have a specific goal, audience, or objective. Let us optimize performance and pinpoint your target audiences.

The singular brand story is dead. Repossess narrative power across your digital footprint with a Discovery & Strategy assessment. It’s time to take control of how your brand is perceived online and connect with your target audience. So, reach out. We’re here to help and have the dedicated tools and team to support you all along the way.

Feeling inspired? Reach out and say [email protected].


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